Every Donation and Any Amount is Greatly Appreciated. Our Program Also Helps Bring COMFORT, LOVE and SMILES to Children and Individuals Who May Be Struggling With Emotional or Mental Heath Challenges
Sonny Horses 4 Kids is a Children's Nonprofit 501c3 Charity. Our Mission: Bringing SMILES to children's faces while fostering and developing positive interactions and relationships between law enforcement and volunteer law enforcement within the community.
Our program is designed to foster trust, provide opportunities to get up close and have intimate and personal interactions with law enforcement, build bridges, and promote community engagement, ultimately creating a SAFER society by reducing fear of law enforcement, and increasing trust.
EVERY DEPUTY can now give a soft plush SONNY BOY HORSE to a CHILD when they NEED A SMILE. You can help us continue to UNITE CHILDREN WITH LAW ENFORCEMENT. Please Support the SONNY HORSES 4 KIDS Program. Every Donation and Any Amount is Greatly Appreciated. PLEASE MAKE YOUR DONATION TODAY
We believe in the power of community and the importance of working together to achieve our goals. At SONNY HORSES 4 KIDS, we empower individuals and communities to create lasting change. Explore our website to learn more about our mission.
SONNY HORSES 4 KIDS, Working With Our Law Enforcement Partners Helping Children With Disabilities, Special Needs, At Risk Youth and the Kids Next Door. CARING, SMILES, and LOVE go a LONG WAY
SONNY HORSES 4 KIDS EVENTS are FREE. EVERY child receives a beautiful soft SONNY BOY plushie EVEN becoming a JR Firefighter. They also receive a Junior Sheriff's or Police Posse badge. Some include a fun and beautiful painted face while enjoying delicious food, and more.
That's good stuff that makes your heart smile